quinta-feira, agosto 09, 2007

Quanto mais feminino... menor o risco de doença coronária!

Study from the United Kingdom:

Decreased risk of death from coronary heart disease amongst men with higher ‘femininity’ scores: a general population cohort study

"Men who are less able to identify themselves with characteristics identified as ‘feminine’ or expressive may be at increased risk of coronary disease (CHD). A total of 1551 men and women aged 55 years were interviewed in 1988 on measures of physical development and functioning, self reported health and health behavior, personal and social circumstances and a measure of gender role orientation. Deaths from CHD up to June 2005 were 88 in men and 41 in women. After adjusting for smoking, binge drinking, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, household income and psychological well-being, higher ‘femininity’ scores in men were associated with a lower risk of CHD death. No such relationship was observed amongst women. ‘Masculinity’ scores were unrelated to CHD mortality in either men or women. "

Open access article on: International Journal of Epidemiology 2007; 36(3): 612-20 http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/36/3/612?etoc ;

1 comentário:

Unknown disse...

Olá! Ao ler este artigo só me lembrava de ter ouvido numa aula de Demografia, que as mulheres morrem menos de doenças deste género porque nós somos «desenhadas» para o parto, e endo assim as nossas artérias têm mais elasticidade. Algo a ver com o estragéneo, será que os homens desse estudo tinham mais estrogéneo do que é vulgar?